Alzheimer’s: Signs and Symptoms You Need to Look For!

Are you worried about you or a loved one forgetting things or being confused? Well, forgetting things is a normal part of aging, but if it is seriously affecting your life, it could be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 5.8 million Americans of all ages are living with this disease in 2019. The same research also states that by 2050, the number of people with Alzheimer dementia will grow to 13.8 million.
There is no denying the rate is alarming., Worse yet, this disease is both under-diagnosed and under-reported. This happens because many of its symptoms only make themselves apparent in specific life events.
The following symptoms, especially in combination with each other, may be signs that you or a loved one should be checked for Alzheimer’s:
Memory Loss
Forgetting important information or events is one of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer’s. If a person is asking the same questions over and over or relying on memory aids, it may be time to see a doctor.
Sometimes, this symptom manifests itself with a person forgetting thing and remembering them later.
Struggling to Complete Familiar Tasks
People with Alzheimer’s tend to have a hard time completing familiar tasks like driving to work, driving back home, or performing leisure activities like changing settings on a television set. They require more help than they did in the past.
Difficulty with Planning and Solving Problems
There is a chance that some individuals may struggle to make plans or solve problems. They have trouble working with numbers or units that they are quite familiar with.
This sign is often seen when they have difficulty in managing their bills or finishing their daily chores.
Losing the Ability To Retrace Steps and Find Things
Some individuals also start to misplace important things and are not capable of retracing their steps to find them. They also forget where they have stored their important items that they use daily. A person with Alzheimer’s disease frequently becomes frustrated and can also accuse people of stealing as well.
Other Signs and Symptoms
Other signs and symptoms include withdrawal from usual activities, visual or spatial difficulties, personality and mood changes, and disorientation to time or place.
How to Take Care Of Somebody with Alzheimer’s disease?
Alzheimer’s care requires patience and flexibility. If you are caring for someone with this disease, you are already aware that as the disease progresses, your loved one’s ability to accomplish basic tasks declines.
To help them, establish a routine with them, involve the them, provide them with choices every day, and try to reduce distractions.
Appropriate senior home care can also greatly help a patient with Alzheimer’s to continue to live independently within the comfort of their home. Senior home care provides one-on-one cognitive simulation as well as support to perform daily activities. Remember to make sure that caregivers are qualified or have prior experience in dealing with senior persons.